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plan sketch中文是什么意思

用"plan sketch"造句"plan sketch"怎么读"plan sketch" in a sentence


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  • Plan sketch for hangzhou catv broadband integrated services network
  • There will be no necessity for me to make a note of these particulars , for there , before my eyes , beneath my feet , all around me , i have the plan sketched with all the living reality of truth .
    这些情节我用不着记录在本子上,因为它们就在我眼前,就在我的脚下,就在我的周围,种种活生生的事实已给我勾出了一个轮廓。 ”
  • Prince andreys second letter was written under vitebsk , after the french had taken it . it consisted of a brief account of the whole campaign , with a plan sketched to illustrate it , and of reflections on the probable course it would take in the future
  • In order to provide specified reference for dividing main - functional zones in china , as well as to supply strategic guidance to implement different regional policy and plan the coordinative sustainable development as a whole in shandong province , this paper attempts to establish the dividing index system of main - functional zone from three aspects according to the basic thinking of the eleventh five - year plan sketch , concretely including the capacity ability of resources and environment , the developing degree and the potential of further development
用"plan sketch"造句  
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